De Silva Consultores y Abogados – Lawyers
Specialists in Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Tax Law
Constitutional Law
We offer advice about the interpretation and application of constitutional norms, as well as studies and analysis on the attachment to the Federal Constitution of secondary legal rules (laws, international treaties, regulations, etc..) and any other act of the Government. Also, we supply consulting services on legislative or regulatory reforms in general.
Tax Law
We plan and design litigation strategies in relation to audits, tax credits, confirmations of criteria by the tax authorities, negative judgments, duties, countervailing duties, judgments of invalidity, to name a few. We defend your rights and assets before any decision of the fiscal authority.
Administrative Law
We give you comprehensive advice in all areas of public law and administrative procedures, before any federal or local authority (IMSS, PROFECO, ISSSTE, CONDUSEF, INM, IMPI, etc.), judgments of invalidity, administrative litigation, administrative appeals , among others.
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